I finally implemented my walking/jogging program this morning. This has definitely been something I've been wanting to do for a long time now. Now that I have lost nearly 20 lbs., I feel like my joints are more mobile and can handle the load of jogging. Besides that, my workouts need something more
Now I've never jogged nor ran in my life. So when I hit the pavement this morning I felt completely out of my element. I warmed up with a brisk 5-minute walk. That was not a problem. But as soon as entered the first 1-minute segment of running, that action just felt completely foreign to me. It was definitely outside my comfort zone...which is why I have chosen to wake up at 5am BEFORE the sun comes out. Call me silly, but I DO NOT want ANYONE seeing me run. I already feel awkward enough. By the time Spring/Summer rolls around and the sun begins peeking out at 5am, I'll be a pro and won't need to hide under the light-less sky.
All in all, I am going to stick with the program. My short-term goal is to run/jog continuously without stopping for 30 minutes. I am giving myself 12 weeks. Maybe I'll be able to accomplish that feat sooner! We shall see! In the meantime, stay tuned!
woooo hooooo!!!!!!!!!! so great! what a sense of accomplishment and you're just getting started. I totally get the "before dawn" run... but good for you for getting out there. How did you pick your path? Can't wait to hear updates. Next summer, we have to find a really fun 5k vacation.