I've missed making my weight loss videos for the masses! I really don't have a massive following (yet) but the thought of people seeing my progress or regression has always been motive enough to stay on track during the week. Having to get on cam and let whoever in virtual land know that I gained weight was always horrifying. With that being said, I'm going to start my video blog AGAIN! Yay! I'm so excited!
I have not quite settled on a diet plan yet. It's a cross between eating clean and Weight Watchers. I love the simplicity of Weight Watchers and counting points. Eating Clean is great because it maintains the simplicity and organic-ness of foods with out getting too much Splenda and refined foods. I may do a combo of both. Stay tuned and I will let y'all know!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I'm a big advocate of being real. I dislike when I sense that a person is being something other than their true self. Yet at this moment in time, I feel like a fake. I will not disclose too many details but the very things I want to do and need to do, I don't. And of course the things I don't want to do and should not do, I do. Isn't that how it always goes? And I know that people experience this everyday and some people may see nothing wrong with it. However, I do because I hate the guilt I experience for not exercising discpline and self-control. Am I alone in this battle? Can anyone relate to what I'm saying right now?
I'll give an example. This example is light but it illustrates a little of what I'm saying. It's like committing to not eating fettucine alfreado because you've committed to eating a low-fat, vegetable rich diet. You tried to resist but you ate the alfredo anyway. It's something you can not undo. After all the noodles have been devoured, the reality of your actions set in along with guilt. I hate that feeling!
Whenever, I do something I should not have done, I brainstorm ways to avoid the temptation when it comes around again. Sometimes I have success and other times I don't. But I will not have peace until I have complete victory and the temptation is defeated entirely. Is this possible? Can I have hope for this?
I'll give an example. This example is light but it illustrates a little of what I'm saying. It's like committing to not eating fettucine alfreado because you've committed to eating a low-fat, vegetable rich diet. You tried to resist but you ate the alfredo anyway. It's something you can not undo. After all the noodles have been devoured, the reality of your actions set in along with guilt. I hate that feeling!
Whenever, I do something I should not have done, I brainstorm ways to avoid the temptation when it comes around again. Sometimes I have success and other times I don't. But I will not have peace until I have complete victory and the temptation is defeated entirely. Is this possible? Can I have hope for this?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I'm Tired of Being Fat!!!

Sorry, it is almost 2am and I find at this time of night, I'm most creative. It is during these hours where I look at my life and I start making lists of what in my life needs tweaking and I figure out HOW I will make that happen effective NOW.
Tonight I find myself scouring recipe websites. How in the world can I squeeze more fruits and veggies into my diet? Maybe I'll eat cabbage for a month. I must eat healthier. But then I found a site featuring the most AMAZING looking rosemary rolls and I make a mental note that those will be on tomorrow's menu at some point. Ugh. Why do I find myself being counterproductive in the midst of my productiveness? Rosemary is a veggie right?
Of course if I'm going to revamp my eating, I need to revamp my workouts. Hmm...what kind of extreme thing can I do. How can I lose 60 pounds in a month? It's possible right? I tell you, these are thoughts that go through my head at 2am! Maybe I'll walk for 5 hours everyday. Marian you can do it. Hmm...or maybe I'll start training for a triathalon. I'll create my own gym triathalon. Yeah...that sounds good.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Better than Starbucks!!

If you don't follow me on Facebook, this is my newest note on there. And it's worth sharing with the world so I'm featuring on my blog today. Enjoy!
If there is one thing to know about Marian, it is my undying love for my tall, dark and handsome. No, I'm not talking about a man...I'm talking about my daily tall dark brew from Starbucks. I LOVE coffee. But what if I told you that I have a new-found love and it's GOOD FOR YOU?
Drum roll please...
My new love is called Le'vive! The reason I say it's better than Starbucks is because it gives me a jolt of energy that lasts me the whole day! And it's not the gnarly high that coffee gives a temporary boost. Just 4 ounces in the morning provides me with an even release of energy that keeps me focused and energized without the extreme high and low that caffeine gives.
Aside from being the ultimate energy beverage, Le'vive has helped my skin. I'm rash-prone and since taking the Le'vive on a daily basis it has helped keep my rashes at bay and clearing them. I have a try patch on my forehead that is no longer dry and itchy.
Le'vive has helped rid my body of toxins and is assisting me in my weight loss program. I was pleased to drop 7 pounds in the first week and since lost a total of about 15 pounds. CRAZY but true.
I could go on and on but here are some additional reasons to drink Le'vive and to drink it EVERYDAY!
It contains:
POMEGRANATE: comes from Egypt & Asia. It is one of the oldest fruits known to man. Rich in vitamins A, B, & C. potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium and fiber.
GOJI: from Himalaya, Tibet, Mongolia. It is considered miraculous since ancient times. Rich in polysaccharides, with 18 amino acids, vitamins A, C, B, & E, 21 minerals, proteins, fiber and Omega-6 oils.
ACAI BERRY: from Amazon, Brazil. Legendary fruit from the amazon that contains 10 to 33 times more antioxidants than grapes used for red wine.
NONI: from Polynesian Island, India. It's used as medicinal plant for thousands of years to help different conditions. Contains polysaccharide-based nutrients, organic acids, vitamins and minerals.
MANGOSTEEN: from Thailand. An Asian native that has caused a commotion with its splendid flavor, Known as the Queen of Fruits, Possesses high levels of xanthones which is beneficial in helping many conditions including: allergies, infections (microbial, fungus, viral), cholesterol levels, inflammation, skin disorders, gastro-intestinal disorders, and fatigue. Xanthones are some of the most potent antioxidants known. It is thought to be more potent than both Vitamin C and Vitamin E!!
You can't buy this in stores but I can hook you up so please contact me for ordering information!
FREE Le'vive TASTE TESTING -- Send me a message or call me!
Monday, May 3, 2010
I'm Back!!

Oh my goodness, was JANUARY really the last time I blogged? AGH! Believe me, this blog has been on my heart and mind all these months but my job aka "time sucker" consistently prevented me from investing time here. HOWEVER, I was recently laid off so now I have the time to commit to my blog and my body once again. YESS!! I view being laid off as a door of opportunity into the next phase of my life. Most people cringe at the idea of losing their job. But I felt so LIBERATED at LOSING my job.
So what's next?
I've spent time in lots of thought and prayer as to what I will dedicate and commit my time to:
1. Spending time with God (prayer and the Word). It's God's truth that reveals His will and call for your life. I wanna be even more propelled into what He has for me.
2. Health. I will once again commit myself to my health in all areas. But specifically physically. I now have to excuse to missing a workout or not having the time to prepare my meals. I now have the time for BOTH. No excuses!
3. My book and blog. I will be working on completing a book I started last year. And this blog will be where I think things out! Bookmark this site and stay tuned!
4. My business. I am building a health and wellness business of my own. I'm so excited to be able to do this full-time! Stay tuned here as I will fill all of you in on this as well!
5. Yes, I will begin my You Tube videos again. This journey is never ending so I will be picking up from where I left off.
Laid Off
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Fear of Failure Will Guarantee Your Fail!

2 Timothy 1:7 (New Living Translation) "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
Fearing that you won't be able to do something will almost always cause you to freeze up, become immobilized, and cause you to retreat. Freezing up and becoming immobile in result of fear is never a positive thing. Going backward annuls all progress to get to where you are now. Therefore the only option is to eliminate fear.
I have a heap of fear in a certain area of my life right now. It has nothing to do with my weight loss journey or fitness, but this lesson can be applied to that as well. We all have our fears. And in this particular area of my life, I feel myself bumping into a cement wall. I feel like I have been capped -- as if it's impossible for myself to attain anything more than what I have in this moment.
These limitations that I have held on to have most likely taken root from my childhood days, through my teens, my 20's and I have brought them to where I am now. My fear has halted relationships, the exploration of various career paths, and even the very blessing of God! You see, fear is the direct enemy of faith! If you adopt an attitude of fear, you are rejecting the faith that would like to see growth, empowerment and fruit in your life.
The scripture that I quoted above reads "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." The spirit of fear that I held on to for many years did not come from God. That did not come in the package deal when I got saved and was adopted into God's family.
But I declare today, fear will indeed end here. 2010 is a new year and I refuse to be held back any longer! I reject the fear of rejection and I push past the fear of failure. I call the BS flag on both of them. Fear is nothing but smoke and mirrors. A big lie the enemy has tried to set up in front of you to keep you from the big prize that lies just a few yards in front of you.
Now that you know that fear is a big fake you must get rid of it by speaking the Truth over yourself. Who does God say that you are? Are you being true to yourself? Love and embrace the real you. The you that you are NOW and the you that you will develop into. It's time to tell the voices in your head to shut the hell up (yes I said hell because you must be fierce and they are from hell to be honest!), pack their bags and move out of your head! Sounds crazy right? But the truth of the matter is this: You are crazy for listening them in the first place -- crazy for allowing your fear to stagnate you! Via Twitter a friend had told me "So many of us give in to the fear of failure which just makes us fail!" So true!
So get moving! What things are you wanting to move forward in? What's stopping you? Is it fear? If so, you know what to do. Be blessed!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My First Weigh-In of 2010 is TODAY!

Weigh-ins are so daunting. Most weeks I stress wondering if the scale will reflect all my hard work of the week past. However today, I know that the scale will only reflect the result of slacking off all November and December. December was so crazy that I never got to the gym. NOT ONCE! I make no excuses. I could've crawled out of bed and hit the gym in the wee morning hours. But I wasn't trying to lose my precious sleep. lol.
Anyway, I've been having dreams about today's weigh-in. On Sunday night I dreamed that I gained everything I lost back and more. But I know that isn't true. I weighed myself at home this morning. I am disappointed in myself though. I hate that I let all my effort from August to October just get flabby...literally.
I asked my co-worker BFF this morning where I can find motivation to get back to that place. I loved cooking then. I loved working out then. Perhaps I just need to DO IT so that I can find my groove again. I will do it...even if out of discipline. Hopefully out of routine, I will find that love for it again.
But I am excited for today. I will not fear the numbers on the scale. I will NEVER see that number again. I have such GREAT expectation for 2010. I am finalizing my goals for this year. I will post them later this week!
Weigh in Wednesday,
Weight Watchers
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