Monday, January 31, 2011

If You Don't Like It, Change It


If anyone knows me at all, one thing they do not know is my weight. I share this number this NO ONE. The only people that know are nurses and doctors and Weight Watcher women who have weighed me in. This information is only given on a MUST KNOW basis and it is "I" who determines who MUST know.

I have recently acquired a new trainer. He is actually a good friend of mine...well he's turning into a good friend of mine. He said he would need to know my weight amongst other bits of info in order to formulate a plan for me. Immediately I was like "No way will this guy ever know that." Via text conversation, he challened me to realize that my weight is nothing but a number. He said that if I don't like my weight then I need to change it.

I know the idea of not liking something and making the decision to change it sounds simple. But not for me. I feel like losing weight has been an uphill battle ALL MY LIFE. I've tried and failed so many times. So much that I'm almost afraid to try again. Of course I will not be defeated. I will continue to pursue a healthy lifestyle because my body is essentially God's house and I need to be a good steward of it.

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