2 Timothy 1:7 (New Living Translation) "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
Fearing that you won't be able to do something will almost always cause you to freeze up, become immobilized, and cause you to retreat. Freezing up and becoming immobile in result of fear is never a positive thing. Going backward annuls all progress to get to where you are now. Therefore the only option is to eliminate fear.
I have a heap of fear in a certain area of my life right now. It has nothing to do with my weight loss journey or fitness, but this lesson can be applied to that as well. We all have our fears. And in this particular area of my life, I feel myself bumping into a cement wall. I feel like I have been capped -- as if it's impossible for myself to attain anything more than what I have in this moment.
These limitations that I have held on to have most likely taken root from my childhood days, through my teens, my 20's and I have brought them to where I am now. My fear has halted relationships, the exploration of various career paths, and even the very blessing of God! You see, fear is the direct enemy of faith! If you adopt an attitude of fear, you are rejecting the faith that would like to see growth, empowerment and fruit in your life.
The scripture that I quoted above reads "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." The spirit of fear that I held on to for many years did not come from God. That did not come in the package deal when I got saved and was adopted into God's family.
But I declare today, fear will indeed end here. 2010 is a new year and I refuse to be held back any longer! I reject the fear of rejection and I push past the fear of failure. I call the BS flag on both of them. Fear is nothing but smoke and mirrors. A big lie the enemy has tried to set up in front of you to keep you from the big prize that lies just a few yards in front of you.
Now that you know that fear is a big fake you must get rid of it by speaking the Truth over yourself. Who does God say that you are? Are you being true to yourself? Love and embrace the real you. The you that you are NOW and the you that you will develop into. It's time to tell the voices in your head to shut the hell up (yes I said hell because you must be fierce and they are from hell to be honest!), pack their bags and move out of your head! Sounds crazy right? But the truth of the matter is this: You are crazy for listening them in the first place -- crazy for allowing your fear to stagnate you! Via Twitter a friend had told me "So many of us give in to the fear of failure which just makes us fail!" So true!
So get moving! What things are you wanting to move forward in? What's stopping you? Is it fear? If so, you know what to do. Be blessed!