The question of lastnight was am I justified in how I felt or was I just being a blubbering emotional mess?? I know I tend to be cry-er, one who cries over any little thing, but lastnight was an extra special case. Perhaps I should tell you all what happened, and then you can be the judge.
It all started with me wanting Pho for dinner. Pho (pronounced fuh) is a delicious Vietnamese soup. I asked my boyfriend if we could go and he said yes. Well that made me happy since I have only had Pho only twice since I've lived in Austin these past 3 1/2 years. Having Pho was a big deal to me!! So my boyfriend went and worked out and I think he may have overexerted himself because he told me he was nauseous afterward. He told me that greek yogurt would make him feel better. So me, being the awesome girlfriend that I am, decided I would save the day and take him some yogurt. Little did I know that would forfeit Pho!
Secondly, we went to the Christian bookstore. I wanted to go for no specific reason. I just have a crazy obsession over books. So I was purusing the aisles and showing my boyfriend book after book...and possibly rambling about the titles, authors, which ones I cried over while reading, etc. No big deal right? Well he got tired of the bookstore and went to the car WHILE I was talking. That kinda hurt my feelings. And on top of not having Pho, that really made me sad.
I tend to cry a lot, like I mentioned and I know it makes the boyfriend feel bad. I'm really not trying to manipulate him with my tears. But I can't help it! After a unsatisfying dinner, we decided to watch a movie. He commented on how sad I looked. And I could not hold the tears in any longer. They spilled forth uncontrollably. So much so that he bursted into laughter because I must have had a ridiculous facial expression. I can only imagine how ridiculous I looked because even I was laughing between sobs.
I truly felt justified in how disappointed I felt. Do y'all think I overreacted at all?
Btw, boyfriend did apologize...not only for LAUGHING at me but for the bookstore and Pho incidents too. And he promised me Pho on Sunday! He's the best!